Area Wellbeing Outline Plans

We have produced a series of draft outline plans to support and enhance community health and wellbeing in our IWN focus areas. The aim of these 

To catalyse more and wider conversations and encourage greater involvement in enhancing wellbeing and health in our communities

To stimulate further action working together based on what’s good and strong in the area to improve wellbeing and health

To initiate new actions on the ground led by the community together with services to make real differences to the area’s wellbeing and health supported in part by participatory budgeting

You can view and download these along with an executive summary as pdfs for each by clicking below

These plans are not standalone plans but outline plans based on IWN work to date that serve to complement other activities and initiatives in the areas. They are in keeping with the aims of Building a Fairer Gwent programme and the designation of Gwent as a Marmot Region, adopting the principles created by Sir Michael Marmot and Institute of Health Equity (IHE), which are:

1.    Give every child the best start in life
2.    Enable all children, young people, and adults to maximise their capabilities and have control over their lives
3.    Create fair employment and good work for all
4.    Ensure a healthy standard of living for all
5.    Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities
6.    Strengthen the role and impact of ill-health prevention
7.    Tackle racism, discrimination, and their outcomes
8.    Pursue environmental sustainability and health equity together

This means taking action to reduce health inequalities by focusing on the social determinants of health as set out in the Building a Fairer Gwent report (2022). You can also find out more with the IHE report here