We get positive benefits and good feelings from connecting with people around us. Connecting with people can help you to build a sense of belonging and self-worth. It can also provide emotional support as well as you providing emotional support to others. See 'What's On' here for local opportunities to connect with others in your local area. Below are some examples:
- Ask people how they are
- Say hello or smile at people
- Have a cuppa with friends, family or colleagues
- Talk face to face with your colleagues whenever possible instead of emailing or phoning them
- Stay in touch with people it’s difficult to see regularly with phone calls, texts and email
- Take some time to write a letter to someone special in your life who lives far away
- Arrange to meet up with an old friend you haven't seen for a while
- Sit down as a family at the end of the day to eat dinner
Do you want to connect with other people?
Wellbeing Connector: funded by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and delivered by Caerphilly County Borough Council, a Wellbeing Connector can help you find and access local activities that support your wellbeing. Book an appointment via your GP surgery
Nature Wellbeing Coordinator: if you would like to get outside in nature, our Nature Wellbeing Coordinator can find and help you access local opportunities. This is a scheme delivered by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. You can get in touch via the website or ask your GP practice to make a referral