

Doing something nice for a friend or a stranger is not only good for them, but it is also good for you. Expert studies suggest that being kind to others can help improve your mental wellbeing by giving you a sense of purpose and self-worth and creating positive feelings. It could be a small act of kindness or a large one, like volunteering.  Being kind to yourself is just as important: it can improve our mental health by easing any stress or anxiety we may be feeling. Below are some examples:

  • Give compliments
  • Let someone in a traffic queue
  • Offer to make a cup of tea or coffee for someone
  • Offer support and a listening ear to someone who needs it
  • Get a birdfeeder for the garden
  • Help out with a local community group
  • If you have any spare time, just a couple of hours of volunteering a week can really make a difference
  • Bring in some biscuits/cakes for your team at work for you to all enjoy together
  • Give your unwanted clothes (or presents) to a charity shop
  • Become a blood donor
  • Help someone with their bags

Wellbeing Connector: funded by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and delivered by Caerphilly County Borough Council, a Wellbeing Connector can help you find and access local activities that support your wellbeing. Book an appointment via your GP surgery

Nature Wellbeing Coordinator: if you would like to get outside in nature, our Nature Wellbeing Coordinator can find and help you access local opportunities. This is a scheme delivered by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. You can get in touch via the website or ask your GP practice to make a referral