Take Notice:

Take notice

Pay more attention to the present moment, your thoughts/feelings, your body and the world around you. This can help improve your mental wellbeing (and is often called ‘mindfulness’). See 'What's On' here for local opportunities to go visit local places and take notice of the beauty around us. Try one of Melo’s mindfulness courses – see self-help courses here. Mindfulness can help you enjoy life more and feel more positive about life. Below are some examples:

  • Start a gratitude diary (take 5 minutes a day to write down a few things or people in your life that you are grateful for)
  • Turn the TV off when eating dinner and enjoy what you are eating, noticing every mouthful
  • Keep a diary.  Reflect on good experiences
  • Visit a museum or art gallery
  • Visit a place you have not been before
  • Pop into your local tourist office and discover a place nearby that you’ve never visited
  • In a queue (in shops or traffic) use the time to relax and notice the world around you
  • Be aware of your senses – smell, touch, taste, sight and feel
  • Notice your breathing
  • Listen to your favourite music
  • Take some interesting photographs
  • Take part in some mindfulness

Wellbeing Connector: funded by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and delivered by Caerphilly County Borough Council, a Wellbeing Connector can help you find and access local activities that support your wellbeing. Book an appointment via your GP surgery

Nature Wellbeing Coordinator: if you would like to get outside in nature, our Nature Wellbeing Coordinator can find and help you access local opportunities. This is a scheme delivered by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. You can get in touch via the website or ask your GP practice to make a referral