Keep Learning:
Learning new skills can improve your mental wellbeing. It can improve your confidence and self-esteem. We recommend setting yourself a task that you will enjoy achieving or rediscovering an old hobby that challenges you, whether it’s writing stories, cooking, sewing, gardening or playing board games – see What's on here for information on local groups in your area. Below are some examples:
- Try an online course, there are many free ones available – see self-help courses here.
- Learn how to cook something new
- Learn relaxation techniques
- Go to a new exercise class
- Help your child with homework and lean something new from them
- Brush up on your IT skills
- Say yes to more things
- Access education opportunities through your local authority or community centre
- Listen to a new radio station
- Think about the things you used to enjoy when you were younger and do them again
- Do a crossword or puzzle with someone
- Take up learning a new language
Wellbeing Connector: funded by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and delivered by Caerphilly County Borough Council, a Wellbeing Connector can help you find and access local activities that support your wellbeing. Book an appointment via your GP surgery
Nature Wellbeing Coordinator: if you would like to get outside in nature, our Nature Wellbeing Coordinator can find and help you access local opportunities. This is a scheme delivered by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. You can get in touch via the website or ask your GP practice to make a referral