5 Ways to Wellbeing


There are 5 steps we can all take to protect and look after our mental wellbeing. They are called the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.

They were developed by the New Economics Foundation. You can find more information about them here


We get positive benefits and good feelings from connecting with people around us. Connecting with people can help you to build a sense of belonging and self-worth. It can also provide emotional support as well as you providing emotional support to others. See 'What's On' here for local opportunities to connect with others in your local area. Below are some examples:

  • Ask people how they are
  • Say hello or smile at people 
  • Have a cuppa with friends, family or colleagues
  • Talk face to face with your colleagues whenever possible instead of emailing or phoning the
  • Stay in touch with people it’s difficult to see regularly with phone calls, texts and email
  • Take some time to write a letter to someone special in your life who lives far away
  • Arrange to meet up with an old friend you haven't seen for a while
  • Sit down as a family at the end of the day to eat dinner 

Be activeBe Active:

Being physically active is good for our bodies and our minds. Being active releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Did you know that regular activity helps reduce stress and anxiety, boosts confidence, and improves energy levels? Being active outdoors is even better. Expert studies show that being in nature can make us feel happier and reduce levels of depression and anxiety. See 'What's On' here for local opportunities to be active in your local area. Below are some examples:

  • Take the stairs instead of the lift
  • Park as far away from your destination as possible
  • Get off the bus one stop earlier
  • Walk more and keep track of how many steps you are taking a day
  • Cycle to work
  • Join a gym or exercise class
  • Get an exercise buddy to keep you motivated
  • Go shopping in town or the supermarket instead of internet shopping
  • Put some music on while doing the housework and have a dance at the same time

Take noticeTake Notice:

Pay more attention to the present moment, your thoughts/feelings, your body and the world around you. This can help improve your mental wellbeing (and is often called ‘mindfulness’). See 'What's On' here for local opportunities to go visit local places and take notice of the beauty around us. Try one of Melo’s mindfulness courses – see self-help courses here. Mindfulness can help you enjoy life more and feel more positive about life. Below are some examples:

  • Start a gratitude diary (take 5 minutes a day to write down a few things or people in your life that you are grateful for)
  • Turn the TV off when eating dinner and enjoy what you are eating, noticing every mouthful
  • Keep a diary.  Reflect on good experiences
  • Visit a museum or art gallery
  • Visit a place you have not been before
  • Pop into your local tourist office and discover a place nearby that you’ve never visited
  • In a queue (in shops or traffic) use the time to relax and notice the world around you
  • Be aware of your senses – smell, touch, taste, sight and feel
  • Notice your breathing
  • Listen to your favourite music
  • Take some interesting photographs
  • Take part in some mindfulness

Keep learningKeep Learning:

Learning new skills can improve your mental wellbeing. It can improve your confidence and self-esteem. We recommend setting yourself a task that you will enjoy achieving or rediscovering an old hobby that challenges you, whether it’s writing stories, cooking, sewing, gardening or playing board games – see What's on here for information on local groups in your area. Below are some examples:

  • Try an online course, there are many free ones available – see self-help courses here.
  • Learn how to cook something new
  • Learn relaxation techniques
  • Go to a new exercise class
  • Help your child with homework and lean something new from them
  • Brush up on your IT skills
  • Say yes to more things
  • Access education opportunities through your local authority or community centre
  • Listen to a new radio station
  • Think about the things you used to enjoy when you were younger and do them again
  • Do a crossword or puzzle with someone
  • Take up learning a new language


Doing something nice for a friend or a stranger is not only good for them, but it is also good for you. Expert studies suggest that being kind to others can help improve your mental wellbeing by giving you a sense of purpose and self-worth and creating positive feelings. It could be a small act of kindness or a large one, like volunteering.  Being kind to yourself is just as important: it can improve our mental health by easing any stress or anxiety we may be feeling. Below are some examples:

  • Give compliments
  • Let someone in a traffic queue
  • Offer to make a cup of tea or coffee for someone
  • Offer support and a listening ear to someone who needs it
  • Get a birdfeeder for the garden
  • Help out with a local community group
  • If you have any spare time, just a couple of hours of volunteering a week can really make a difference
  • Bring in some biscuits/cakes for your team at work for you to all enjoy together
  • Give your unwanted clothes (or presents) to a charity shop
  • Become a blood donor
  • Help someone with their bags